Oak Bay Rotary Coffee Fundraiser
We are taking orders for 1 lb bags of freshly roasted, organic coffee in 4 roasts and either whole beans or drip grind. Royston Roasting Co is our generous partner and will supply us with locally roasted, fresh, organic and delicious roasted coffee.
Through the kind generosity of Royston Roasting we are able to make an astounding $6 per bag for our projects. The selling price of $18 is typical of freshly roasted premium coffee.
When compiling your order remember to think of your friends, family, co-workers and how much they might enjoy a gift of coffee this holiday season.
Each 1 lb bag comes packaged in glossy black (similar to Kicking Horse coffee) with our Rotary Club logo, the coffee label and the company seal.
Once your order is submitted you will receive a delivery date notification, within the week. Arrangements can be made for pick up or delivery within the Greater Victoria area.
Available Roasts: Dark French, Medium, Expresso, and Swiss Water Decaf in either whole beans or drip grind