Online Meeting Information
We meet in person the first 3 Tuesday’s of the month at 12:15.
If you are unable to attend in person you can connect via ZOOM.
- All are welcome to attend. Guests encouraged.
- Weekly Tuesday meetings are usually around 45 minutes.
- 60 second video “How to join a Zoom meeting“.
- Click here for a test meeting to see how it works, test your mic and speakers, and tinker.
- Fines and “Happy/Sad Bucks” are optional at the discretion of the member, and may be paid online. Click here.
- Attendees require a password to login. This gets emailed weekly to members. If you forget or lose the password or you are a guest visitor (welcome!) email the moderator at [email protected].
- During the meeting include your first and last name in your settings so others can read your “Name tag”.
Note: Until further notice any Happy Sad bucks will go towards the Rapid Relief Fund, organized by the Victoria Foundation, Times Colonist and the Jawl family in raising money for coronavirus emergency relief. Details here. See Times Colonist newspaper story.